Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Additional Information for Private Patients Treated at Addenbrooke’s University Hospital
Private Operations in Addenbrookes:
Complex reconstructive surgeries are performed at Addenbrookes Hospital because of exclusive availability of expert specialised nurses in Theatres and on the Ward. Additionally, special instruments and the plastic surgery operating microscope are currently only available there. Professor Malata therefore recommends that for the optimum / efficient/ safe performance of these operations, Addenbrookes Hospital is essential.
Saturday or Sunday based on availability of theatre space (and where appropriate the breast surgeon). Once a date for your surgery is allocated by the Addenbrookes Theatre Manager, my NHS secretary, Sue Ramsey, will contact you with this information.
Insurance Information:
Operation codes, operation descriptions and “shortfall” letters will be sent out to you promptly by Sue Ramsey as soon as your operation date is confirmed by Theatres or earlier if you wish to receive it sooner. It is important to check these details with your insurers as soon as possible in order to determine your level of coverage for the surgical & anaesthetic fees and to allow adequate time for providing any clarifications or supportive letters sought by them.
Private rooms or side rooms are allocated to patients by Sister on the plastic surgery ward based on clinical priority/ medical need. Private patients are generally put into a side room. Free Flap Surgery patients are a clinical priority for the first 3 - 5 days post-operatively but no guarantee of a private room can be given for the entire 7-10 days that you may be in hospital as it could happen that a seriously ill patient may need a side room more than you do. In practice, transfer of a free flap patient to a 4-bedded bay rarely happens but it is important to be aware that this possibility exists.
The specialised microvascular plastic surgery nurses are at Addenbrooke’s Hospital and not in the private hospitals; therefore it will not be possible to transfer you to the Lea or Nuffield while you are still an in-patient
Pre-admission (clerking, photos, tests, & pre-op information e.g., starving instructions): You will be required to attend a pre-admission clinic at Addenbrookes Hospital a few weeks before surgery. Sometimes the anaesthetist may take this opportunity to assess your fitness for the operation if you have other pre-existing medical problems or are older than 65. At this visit you will have your medical history assessed and undergo various tests needed before your surgery such as blood tests, x-rays, specialist scans, ECGs. You will also be given preoperative information such as starving instructions. You may also be given the opportunity to visit the plastic surgery ward.
Expert nurses:
The nursing expertise required to make complex reconstructive operations successful currently only exists at Addenbrookes Hospital. This is particularly important for post-operative flap monitoring.
Follow up:
- Specialist nurses' dressings’ clinic at 1 week.
- Professor Malata’s Clinic at 2 weeks in Addenbrookes.
- Depending on your recovery, Professor Malata can then follow you up in the private hospital.
- Insurance information & admission dates: Sue Ramsey 01223 586672; Fax 01223 257177
- Clinical admission procedures: Admissions Co-ordinator 01223 274347; or Sister on Ward M5
- Bras, garments, general clinical information:
- Breast Reconstruction Specialist Nurse: Lisa Newberry-Jordan 01223 216572
- Surgical Care Practitioners: Laura Fopp & Lindsey Harris 01223 245151 (via switchboard)
- Hospital Paying Patients Office: Cheryl 01223 216565
- 24hr-Emergency contact post-op: Professor Malata use phone number given to you at your consultation
If you have any doubt at any time regarding clinical issues please contact the private secretary (01223 573715) to arrange an appointment to see Professor Malata in clinic.
Please note that:
All financial matters are dealt with by Professor Malata's NHS secretary (Sue Ramsey 01223 586672; sue.ramsey@addenbrookes.nhs.uk) & the Hospital's Paying Patients’ Office (01223 216 565).