Arm Lifts and Arm Reduction
(Rejuvenation of Upper Arms)
Arm lift and arm reduction surgery also known as brachioplasty is used to improve sagging upper arms (“bat wings” or “bingo wings”), reduce the fat deposits in these areas or eradicate the flabby bulges that droop when the arms are raised. These changes are brought about by weight loss (dieting, exercise, stomach bypass), by the process of ageing or by both factors acting in combination. Rejuvenation of the upper arms is indicated when the fat deposits or the loose, sagging skin of the arms cannot be improved through regular physical activity and or low calorie diet.
Surgical rejuvenation of the arms can be achieved by using arm liposuction, arm lifts/ arm reduction or often a combination of these procedures. In brachioplasty (arm lift or arm reduction) incisions are made on the inner surfaces of your arm from the armpit (axilla) to the elbow. Excess skin and fat are removed and the remaining skin is stitched back together. The operation generally results in slimmer, smoother upper arms. However, there will be visible scarring that may extend from the armpit to the elbow. Professor Malata also offers the minimal scar modified axillary arm lift in which the incisions (and thus the scars) are entirely confined or hidden in the arm pit.
After a thorough evaluation Professor Malata will discuss with you the option most likely to achieve your objectives and advise you of the advantages and limitations of each technique.
As in any cosmetic surgery, there are risks as well as benefits and the final results are not guaranteed. The chance of complications following a liposuction depends on the exact type of operation needed and other factors such as your general health. Professor Malata will explain how the risks apply to you. Detailed postoperative instructions will be discussed during consultation and a procedure-specific handout given to you by Professor Malata.
Some risks of arm reduction/arm lift/arm liposuction:
Bruising and swelling
Temporary numbess: common
Tightness and reduced arm movements: temporary & latter is advised.
Slow healing/ wound breakdown: often due to smoking/ fatty arms.
Sensory alterations: numbness, tingling
Visible scars (often unavoidable): from armpit to elbow if open surgery
Bleeding and haematoma: rare
Infection ± suture boils
Irregular or other unsatisfactory contour of the arm
Inadequate shrinking of the skin (poor skin retraction)
Liposuction induced / increased sagging (ptosis)
Persistent ptosis (sagging): due to under-correction
Scars may widen, tighten up or hypertrophy/keloid
Asymmetry between the two arms
Occasional need for revisional surgery
Alternatives to arm rejuvenation surgery:
No surgery :leave the lax arm skin and fat deposits alone
Exercise & Diet : may help generalised fat deposits but not lax skin
Long sleeved clothing :can be effective in hiding flabby or fatty arms
(Rejuvenation of Upper Arms)
1 - 2 hours
General (rarely under Local)
0 - 1 night
5 - 10 days until socialising with close friends and family
2 weeks until return to work and normal social engagements
2 - 4 weeks until bruising and swelling disappeared
2 - 4 weeks do not raise arms above shoulder level
3 - 4 weeks for wearing compression garments day & night.
6 weeks until return to gym and other strenuous activities
12 - 24 wks until final result: scars continue to improve for 1 year
Permanent unless large weight changes
To find out more or make an appointment please contact Prof Malata's Secretary on 07455839093 or malatapractice@gmail.com