Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
Breast lift or mastopexy is a surgical procedure designed to uplift, tighten and reshape sagging or droopy breasts. The excess and/or loose skin is removed surgically from around the areola and underneath it accompanied by rearrangement of the breast tissue akin to breast reduction. Breast lift is also designed to reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple). Sometimes breast lifting is combined with a breast enlargement (augmentation-mastopexy); because the breast implants inserted at the same time can help restore both firmness and size.
Similar to breast reduction there are many different techniques of breast uplift and so the position of the resulting scars varies. There is, however, always a circular scar around the nipple and a second vertical scar running from the lower most point of the nipple to the fold beneath the breast. For breasts lift Professor Malata favours the vertical scar technique because of its' minimal scars (avoids a horizontal scar in the fold beneath the breast), its powerful lift and long lasting cosmetic results. Sometimes a traditional inverted-T or anchor-shaped scar technique which includes a horizontal scar in the fold beneath the breasts is needed. In such cases of breast lift Professor Malata tries to keep the horizontal scar as short as possible but its length does vary depending on the original size and shape of the breasts. Massive weight loss patients always need a horizontal scar during their breast lift surgery. Professor Malata will advise you what technique you are most suited to at your consultation. Rarely the scar is entirely limited to around the nipple-areola (the so-called periareolar breast lift or Benelli mastopexy).
Over time the effects of gravity along with the loss of the skin’s natural elasticity with age begins to have an effect on the appearance of a woman’s breasts. These factors, combined with pregnancies and nursing will often cause the breasts to lose their youthful shape and firmness. Similarly following weight loss the breasts can drop as the skin loses its elasticity combined with some loss of volume.
A "breast uplift" or a mastopexy aims to make the breasts more shapely and better supported with a more youthful and pert appearance whilst repositioning the nipple at its former height.
To view the before and after photos in Professor Malata’s publications on breast lifting or mastopexy click here:
As in any cosmetic surgery, there are risks as well as benefits and the final results are not guaranteed. The chance of complications following breast uplift surgery depends on the exact type of operation needed and other factors such as your general health. Professor Malata will explain how the risks apply to you. Detailed postoperative instructions will be discussed during consultation and a procedure-specific handout given to you by Professor Malata.
Some risks of breast lifting or mastopexy:
Bruising & swelling
Numbness of nipples & breast skin: common
Delayed healing and T-junction wound breakdown: common but insignificant
Altered nipple & skin sensation: usually temporary
Long scars – largely unavoidable
Interference with breast feeding – minimal
Bleeding and haematoma: uncommon
Infection: rare
“Bottoming out” (nipples look too high)
Residual asymmetry between the breasts
Malposition of the nipples
Poor scars: lumpy, hypertrophic or keloidal scars
Nipple loss: extremely rare
Fat necrosis
Interference with breast feeding – moderate
Recurrence of the droopiness with weight changes, ageing, pregnancy, lactation.
Alternatives to breast lifting:
no surgery: padded bras; push up bras
no surgery: loose clothes
breast augmentation alone: can mimick a small lift for pseudoptosis
2 - 3 hours
General anaesthetic
1 - 2 nights
5 - 10 days until socialising with close friends and family
2 weeks until return to work and normal social engagements
3 - 4 weeks until bruising and swelling disappear
6 - 8 weeks until return to gym and other strenuous activities
12 - 24 weeks until final result - scarring will continue to improve for the next 12 months
Permanent providing a well-fitting bra is worn after surgery & significant weight is not gained or lost.
To find out more or make an appointment please contact Prof Malata's Secretary on 07455839093 or